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Google Searches

here are some of my google searches

emotionally intelligent goals - 2008 www.eqi.org/images/eigoals.gif  
April 30 2012 No results found for "can you respect a robot?". thought of how pple (and police, parents etc) are becoming more like robotds.. robotic indifference or robotic disengatement
May 1 It's hard to heal people who deny they are sick..

No results found for "heal people who deny they are sick."

I thought when I thought of trying to help someone who doesn't think he has a problem.
"The emotional needs of Google employees."

would be interesting to also search - politicians, teachers, school directors, presidents, dictators

Google is powerful now. Good to know the emotional needs of people with power. For example some programmers want to write controlling software, use controlling language like "You must...."
Anders Breivik

0 results found for "would we call anders breivik successful?".

0 results for "is anders breivik an example of a successful"

0 results for "anders breivik an example of a successful"

"what caused anders breivik" - 3 results

"Anders Breivik is a product of" 5 results

"Anders Breivik is a product of his" 2 results

"Anders Breivik is a product of his environment" 0 results


"anders breivik" + "soldier for christ" 141 results

"anders breivik sees himself as a " 7950

"anders breivik sees himself as"" 7520

"anders breivik sees himself as a survivalist soldier" 5010

"anders breivik sees himself as a soldier" 9

"anders breivik sees himself as a soldier who is fighting for a worthy cause" 9

"anders breivik sees himself as a christian" 1

"anders breivik sees himself as a christian crusader" 1

"anders breivik calls himself" 15,400

"anders breivik calls himself a christian" 8

"anders breivik calls himself a christian crusader" 1

"is anders breivik a good" 4 results

"is anders breivik a good christian" 3

"is anders breivik a good role model"

"is anders breivik emotionally intelligent"

"is anders breivik emotionally"

"is anders breivik intelligent"

"anders breivik is emotionally intelligent"

"anders breivik is very emotionally intelligent"

"anders breivik is very emotionally intelligent"

"anders breivik is very intelligent"

"is anders breivik a real christian"

A Result:

So Anders Breivik calls himself a Christian Crusader. Does this mean Norway gets to spend a decade bombing the shit out of the Vatican?

"New Testament military metaphors" - interesting to check sometime.  
What is a good Christian

What is a real Christian

No results found for "please just call me a human".

"Please don't call me a christian" 8,730

"Please don't call me an american" 13,500

"Please don't call me a nazi" 10,400

"Please don't call me a nerd" 22,000

"Please don't call me emo" 52,500

"Please don't call me dramatic" 9

"Please don't call me any labels" 1

"Please don't call me stupid." 1,760,000

Please don't call me names" 942,000

"we can learn to ignore the bullshit in the bible" 1,490 - May 2

First time I checked there were 288- I believe it was April 29. Then the next day it was 700+

may 4

"is it illegal to lie to your children" 1

from ct.htm

"help me think. help me feel." 1 result  
just watched vid about school walkout - guy said "i know my rights"

my thought led to this search...

No results found for "know your rights and your needs".

also ... it is important to know what your "enemy" needs so .....

"know your enemy's needs"

1 result

ie - teens - learn what unmet emotional needs those in power have.

May 14

"Be honest about your needs." 428 (A)

"Be honest about your own needs." 56

"Be honest about your emotional needs." 11 (B)

Be honest about your own emotional needs. 0

Be honest about your unmet emotional needs.0

Be honest about your own unmet emotional needs 0

A. The first time I did the search I got about 2 million results. I didn't trust this so I changed the search settings to 100 per page, saw that there were only 5 pages of results, went to the last page and got this in the end

Page 5 of about 428 results (0.52 seconds)

B. First time Google said there were "about 17,200 result" - but only two pages! lol So I go to page 2 and it corrects itself and says 11 results ( I guess I am back to 10 per page)

google search for "Jeremy Kyle is an example of "

Jeremy Kyle is an example of everything that is wrong with our society. Dragging chavs out of their council houses to scream and shout at each other

I would say Jeremy Kyle is an example of what not to do..

Jeremy Kyle is an example of the opposite of non-violent communication

Jeremy Kyle is an example of violent communication

S. Hein

I don't want to live in a world where people who don't care about me have control over me. - 0 "FEELINGS ARE NOT DEBATABLE" 41 may 15 2012
No results found for "You are not free if you can't leave". msy 21

Results for "you're"

You're NOT FREE if you can't leave your job to start a business because you can't pay for Health Insurance

The reason that can't work (for me) is that you're not free if you can't leave. 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on dinner.

"You aren't free if you can't leave" 1

2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on dinner.
irs "we've got a war to pay for"  
"we are all humans" 489

"we are all americans" 488

"nous sommes tous americains" about 1000

"nous sommes tous francais: 397

"nous sommes tous humains: 456

britons 287

british 354

"todos somos humanos" 388

"somos todos humanos" about 700

May 24

"emotionally intelligent resistance" 0

"we are all journalists" - lots



decolonoize education

"police targeting journalists" first search gave over 8,000 but actually 32 on june 27

"will your children be able to leave" - 2

"emotionally abusive governments" 0

"emotionally abusive government" 1

http://kevingerman.blogspot.com/2008_12_01_archive.html mental hospital in asia - vietnam cambodia. found when searching "the police are scared"  
"My Master doesn't value my mind." 0

No results found for "keep changing the social contract".

"keep changing the contract"

unfair that we keep changing the contract these people have with VeriSign, without having any role or participation in making those changes.
"kill the intellectuals"

Iraqi professor found dead in Basra


Let's take over America. First kill the intellectuals.

If you want to control people, you don't want them to think. You don't value their minds. So you kill or jail the intellectuals.
"i am afraid of the government"

"i am afraid of the american government"

"i am afraid of the US government"

"i am afraid of the IRS"

"I feel owned by the US government" - 0

"The US government is my master"

28th "piers morgan is a terrible listener" (after I watched him interrgating, invalidating and debating with Jesse Ventura

from last week...

"is killing people a good..."

One without appetite would not eat much, let alone enjoy the food.

From Josh's comments section about homework.

"i don't get paid to care" - gave some pretty interesting results. says a lot about how people feel about their jobs and each other.

Here is one interesting result

I don't get paid to care." Anyone who is familiar with a modern university knows how true this compensation principle is, and how widely it is honored.

http://www.garynorth.com/public/372print.cfm - backed up in p2 files

I don't get paid to care about you, I get paid to work with you. Please stop making mindless chitchat.


I don't get paid to care, I get paid to take your order, and give you your order! If you want someone to care call Oprah


I don't get paid to care, I get paid to take your order, and give you your order! If you want someone to care call Oprah

"tired of checkpoints"

led to http://www.simpleliberty.org/tootoa/im_tired.htm - very good site. see example in side box

A mentor taught me that I have mastered a topic if I can learn all sides of an argument and be able to defend any side in such a way that nobody can tell which side I support simpleliberty.org...

To seek and support only one side of an argument is nothing more than propaganda.

June 2?

"Let's all go to jail"

"let them put us all in jail" 22

"They can't put us all in jail"

"They can't put everyone in detention centers"

June 3

"Friends don't punish each other" 15 results - examples:

- I don't think she is your "really good friend" because real friends don't punish each other when something bad happens...

- Russia is arguing that friends don't punish each other for principled disagreements, and that the United States ought to accept Russia's view, ...econ.utah.edu

- You do want your child to fear you -- or at least fear the consequences of their bad behavior. Best friends don't punish each other. democraticunderground

- I wouldn't be so pretentious as to say that she was my best friend, because best friends don't punish each other for skipping school

- As for why parents are afraid of disciplining their children is because a) they want to be their child's friend and friends don't punish each other .

I thought of "friends don't punish...." when I read about shield law for journalists, Malia Zimmerman. Some want to force / require journalists to reveal sources of info...

But you can't really force people to tell you things. You can threaten, hurt them, punish them, torture them but they can still choose not to tell you.

So I thought what would you do if a friend didn't want to tell you something? Or do something? Would you use the same tactics that governments use?

"The government is not your friend"

first google search said 103,000 but I didn't trust that so I went to last page and found that really there were 406

"The government is not your friend" - similar thing happened.. actual results was 296

"The government is your friend and wants you to be happy" "the government wants you to be happy" 14

"god wants you to be happy" 427

I talked to a guy wch a mormon and he said god wants us to be happy... wch=who calls himself

"your parents want you to be happy" 81

"ask, the majority of who?"

hen you have to ask, "the majority of who?

"Cared about and in control" 2

"In control and cared about" 3

The adult(s) must be able to connect at a personal level with your child, and have the knack of knowing just what to say and do at the right moment to interest and make your child feel safe, cared about, and in-control (rather than being controlled).

childforum.com. - NZ..

Be the first physician practice, hospital or medical facility in your area to try this revolutionary "delighter" with your patients. The Patient Pod is a per-patient "Portable Wellness Center" that gives patients (and LTC residents) the feeling they're known, safe, cared about, and in control.

"For society to improve in any significant way, those who holds the power must change."  
Page 14 of about 136 results  
June 27

"when life gets too hard and too painful" 0

"no one cares about my pain" 51

second result is

If you feel, “No one cares about my pain”—Jesus cares!

(which causes me more pain)

"no one cares about your pain" 73

"no one cares about your probblems" 284 (again false results till i got to the end)

"the world is not made for sensitive people" 0

"the world is not made for caring people" 0

"society is not designed for caring people". 0

"society is not designed for thinking people".

"society is not designed for people who question" 0

"those in authority feel threatened by" 7

"those in authority feel threatened by questions" 0

"those in authority feel threatened by the truth" 0

"people in authority feel threatened by the truth"

"threatened by understanding" 62

defnition of terrorism from fbi

Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives. june 27

"threatened by empathy" 16

"threatened by sympathy" 11

june 28

"What if we rewarded people for caring". - 0

this is harder to believe:

"we reward people for controlling". 0 results -- it is so obvious we reward (pay) people to control others....wow.

"we value people who care" 10 (first google said 4,170 does anyone else get these strange result numbers from google? use a chatzy to let me know plz
July 1 "Some people kill others because no one listens to them. Others kill themselves." S. Hein

It hurts me that more people aren't reading what I write, listening to what I have to say. But I won't get a gun and go kill others. I'd kill myself instead.

No results found for "Some people kill others because no one listens to them. Others kill themselves."
Aug 3 "an abusive person is a needy person" 0 results  
Aug 15 - Not listening leads to revolution. - 0  
Dec 2014

No results found for "don't abandon someone who is depressed".

"don't abandon someone who is suicidal" 6 results found.


Dec 25 "You don't know if you really love someone until they have caused you a lot of pain" I thought of this when thinking about Priscilla. Do I really love her? (Still unsure what the word means.)
No results found for "You won't know if you really love someone until ".  
"What do you do when someone you love hurts you?"  
"What do you do when someone you love hurts you?" Pretty obvious how I came up with this... lol
"I love Priscilla ______" (then I put her last name in. lol 0 results  
"I love Steve Hein" 0 results : (
Feb 2015

No results found for "what does a person need when they feel".

I thought of this when I felt mocked in a school survival post. Then I was asking myself what does someone need when they feel mocked?

I think feeling mocked is a subset of feeling disrespected so I will say they probably need to feel respected.


"too depressed to go to school"


Your teenager needs to feel important