Emotional Intelligence | Stevehein.com
Yesterday I took another look at the 1990 paper written by
Salovey and Mayer. I saw something I never noticed before.
In the abstract of the paper they wrote this:
a set of abilities
Earlier in the day I was writing about the difference between
potential and skills. I wrote this in what I will call my EI
A few days ago I re-read something else which caught my attention
for the first time. It was about what Salovey and Mayer thought
could be the result of deficits in emotional
At this point I am feeling more and more uncomfortable with the
concept of emotional intelligence which Salovey and Mayer
Another note, I looked around Jacks website a bit more
yesterday, too. I noticed two things of particular interest. One
is that it is getting more personal. He talks about his mother,
for example, and how she is an artist and how she influenced him.
This is a little funny to me since he used to tell me that my
site was too personal! So maybe I can take some credit for
helping Jack loosen up a little and even maybe for helping him
create his site. For years he had no site and I was the only one
on the Internet who was telling people much about his work. Then
David Caruso created one. But it was still a couple years later
before Jack created his own site.
I felt encouraged when I saw that he was putting copies of his
articles on the site. This was something I felt frustrated by
before. I felt frustrated because I wanted more people to read
his articles and I also wanted to be able to put copies of them
or at least significant quotes from them on my site. I still feel
frustrated though that he only puts pdf format copies on the
site. This makes it impossible to a) search for terms within the
article and b) copy text from it without re-typing it. I
dont know if Jack just created pdf files because it was
easier or if he specifically didnt want people to copy
anything from the articles. If it is the latter I dont
understand why. I would like to see him make it as easy as
possible for people to share his ideas as I do and as Alice
Miller does, for example.
I dont think Jack feels in need of much money so I
dont think he created pdf files to stop people from
stealing his ideas and making money from them. I have thought
about this with my feeling words list. Right now it is easy for
people to copy the part of it I have on my site. And it is easy
for them to copy the complete file if I send it to them, since I
send it as a text file. If I sent it as a pdf it would be harder
to copy and re-sell. I am sure that some people do re-sell it
without giving me either credit as the author or without giving
me any money. This bothers me a little, but obviously not enough
for me to go to the trouble of figuring out how to create pdf
files. I tried to do it actually and had the software for a
while, but accidentally deleted it.
Now why do we spell accidentally that way when we spell publicly
this way?
No one that I know says ac ci dent al y They say
accidently. But when I spelled it that way the spell checker told
me it was wrong! And the other day when I spelled publicly like
this publically it told me that was wrong! lol
How am I supposed to explain these things to English students
I usually just tell them English is makes no sense because the
man who invented it was smoking marijuana.
Anyhow, back to EI, since this is supposed to be my EI journal.
Ok here is an EI type story. True, like most every story I tell
about myself or what I see
The other day Carla, who has been doing some work for me, showed
up dressed much more elegantly than usual. I asked her why and
she said no reason, she just felt like it.
Now I will admit something else here since only my closest
friends read this site and no one like Rob Emmerling reads it to
try to find information to use to hurt me.. ha ha.
Anyhow, the honest truth is that the thought went through my mind
that she was dressed up because she had a job interview with
someone else.
It turned out she was with me all day so my fear was evidently
once again based on my insecurities rather than reality.
So the point is that this is another example of the difference
between emotional intelligence and emotional insecurity. Would a
more emotionally secure person, with the exact same level of
innate emotional intelligence, have had this same fear and
corresponding thought?
Now lets say I was even more insecure. Lets say I
didnt believe her when she said there was no special
reason. Lets say I said something like Thats
rubbish. You dont just wear blue jeans one day and then a
nice matching outfit like that the next day for no reason.
What might have happened next? What would this kind of distrust
to do our working relationship? Fortunately we only have a
working relationship because I am so insecure that I would almost
surely destroy the relationship if there was anything more to it.
History has proven this to me time and time again. So do I
destroy my relationships out of a deficit in EI or out of deeply
seeded insecurity and a lack of healthy emotional management
Thus we get back to the question of whether EI is a set of skills
or whether it is innate potential.
Another question for Jack to think about
Since Laura left me I think about suicide almost every day. Does
this mean my emotional intelligence went down when she left?
And when I was in my twenties most people would say I was
successful or even highly successful. I had graduated
from one of the top business schools, according to Business Week,
(The University of Texas at Austin), and I graduated as a
Sord Scholar which means the top 2 percent. I got a
high paying job in a Fortune 50 company, Atlantic Richfield
(Arco) Then I started my own business and within three years was
making more money than I had made at Arco. I cant remember
even one time thinking of suicide when I was in my twenties. So
does that mean I was more emotionally intelligent then?
Or does it mean I hadnt really thought about things; I
hadnt traveled; I hadnt questioned the values I had
been raised with; I hadnt thought about my feelings or felt
my own pain; didnt realize I felt judged and unaccepted by
my own family; hadnt felt robbed of love and friendship
multiple times or seen people I care about treated as prisoners
even though they had committed no crime; hadnt seen
children being brainwashed to turn into little Buddhists,
Catholics, Hindus, Muslims, Peruvians, Indonsians; hadnt
seen them being forced to wear little bows in their hair and
socks with the name of their school on them, or ties, even for
the girls, and jackets with the school pin or logo; hadnt
watched them suffer through painfully boring classes taught by
people who had the power to hit and punish them almost at will;
hadnt felt alone for nights on end longing for someone to
sleep next to, to listen to me, to hug me, hold me, accept me,
admire me and love me; and hadnt seen or thought about the
poverty and pain as I have by this point in my life?