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Requirements to teach in my school

Today I found some old journal writing from Ecuador. I had made a list of the things I think a teacher needs to be able to teach. If I ever have my own school, these are the kinds of things I will look for in a teacher. S. Hein, March 22, 2005

Love children.

Be able to make children and teenagers laugh.

Be able to cry.

Understand teenagers.

Identify with children and teenagers.

Prefer to spend time with children and teenagers than adults.

Feel comfortable touching/hugging people and being touched/hugged, climbed upon etc.

Be able to laugh at yourself.

Be emotionally literate.

Be a good listener.

Be confident enough to not feel afraid of making mistakes.

Believe in children rather than in any "god"

Feel comfortable hopping like a kangeroo.

Be able to read the emotion in faces.

Be able to validate feelings.

Be able to feel and show empathy and compassion.

Be able to manage the class and resolve conflicts without the use of threats or punishment.

Know what our human emotional needs are and know ways of helping fill them in your students.

Be uninterested in clothing, jewelry and external appearances.

Be curious. Love to learn.

Love to learn from children and teenagers.

Enjoy watching children and teenagers.

Be able to watch them without feeling a need to control them.