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Main page on Cara

Steve says:
cara, tell me what caraism would be. i want to hear something from u, from ur heart, something from ur essence-
Steve says:
i might just take my hands off the kb and let u type..
Steve says:
but im here
Steve says:
Cara says:
Steve says:
tell me then
Cara says:
it would be people truly being equal, nobody being better or worse
Cara says:
it would be everybody knowing how to talk about feelings and how to listen, and there would be not language barriers
Cara says:
there would be madatory wealth distibution
Cara says:
Cara says:
children would have the rights and the resources to live with whoever they chose
Cara says:
and schools would teach things about relationships NOT trigonometry
Steve says:
k what else
Cara says:
there would be no limitations. nobody to say "that's stupid, irresponsible, selfish."
Cara says:
and nobody would be able to tell anyone else how to live
Steve says:
k what else
Cara says:
Cara says:
i wrote that
Steve says:
Cara says:
i gues caraism is about allocative efficiency. allocating our emotional, financial, productive resources so that they operated at the optimum level of efficiency for the maximum total utility of all humankind
Steve says:
how can we measure utility or how do u define it or can it be measured?
Cara says:
i would define utility as the total satisfaction and fulfillment experienced by a participant i suppose. It can be measured in lots of ways. Poverty rates, suicide, net social welfare (ie happiness) actual material wealth etc
Cara says:
tho the last is just for economics
Steve says:
k what else is caraism or what else in general?
Cara says:
I guess that's all. It's as succinctly as I can put it. Allocative efficiency is best achived in a free market ie no government interference.
Cara says:
same applies to social side
Cara says:
therefore, assuming government to mean power imbalances, without their interference we can reach a societal equilibrium whereat the adults versus the teens can function  optimally
Steve says:
Cara says:
hangon ima construct a graph