Emotional Intelligence Home Page


Unmet Emotional Needs - Sample Data


Here is some data from adolescents who have told me they are depresssed or suicidal. The date was collected by asking them to look at a list of emotional needs and report much they felt of each one.


Person 1


accepted 0
accomplished 0
acknowledged 0
admired 0
alive 0
appreciated 0
appreciative 0
approved of 0
capable 0
challenged 5
clear (not confused) 5
competent 2
confident 0
developed 0
empowered 0
focused 0
free 0
fulfilled 0
grown or growing 0
happy 0
heard 3
helped 0
helpful 6
important 0
in control 0
independent 3
interested 0
knowledgeable 0
listened to 2
loved 0
needed 0
noticed 0
optimistic 0
powerful 0
privacy 0
productive 1
protected 0
proud 0
reassured 0
recognized 0
relaxed 7 (when im on drugs)
respected 0
safe 0
satisfied 0
secure 0
significant 0
successful 0
supported 0
treated fairly 0
understood 0
useful 0
valued 0
worthy 0

Number of items = 53

Total = 34

Average 0.65

Here are more comments from this person

Person 2

accepted 6
accomplished 3
acknowledged 4
admired 2
alive 5 but i dont really want to be
appreciated 3
appreciative 7
approved of 2
capable 5
challenged 7
clear (not confused) 8
competent 5
confident 4
developed x
empowered 2
focused 5
free 2
fulfilled 4
grown or growing 5
happy 2
heard 4
helped 8
helpful 4
important 6
in control 4
independent 9
interested 6
knowledgeable 4
listened to 6
loved 6
needed 2
noticed 5
optimistic 4
powerful 2
privacy 6
productive 7
protected 4
proud 3
reassured 4
recognized 3
relaxed 5 (when im on drugs)
respected 6
safe 6
satisfied 4
secure 3
significant 5
successful 4
supported 6
treated fairly 5
understood 3
useful 5
valued 3
worthy 4

Commentary by person 1


I aksed this person to go back through the list and say a few words about each item.


accepted 0
because people hate me. Everyone (especially my parents) tell me how much of a freak I am. I know I'll never fit in
steve sagt:
k keep going
Tearful Angel sagt:
approved of 0
pretty much the same reason. people don't want me around. my friends' parents all hate me because im too "slutty" and im a "bad influence"

Tearful Angel sagt:
capable 0
I can't do anything right.
challenged 5
clear (not confused) 5
competent 2
confident 0
developed 0

Tearful Angel sagt:
Tearful Angel sagt:
challenged 5
life itself is a challenge for me.
clear (not confused) 5
i know whats goin on in my mind
competent 2
again, I cant do anything right
confident 0
developed 0
i feel like a little kid trapped in a teen's body

steve sagt:
steve sagt:
keep going if u want
Tearful Angel sagt:
empowered 0
once again i feel like i cant do anything
focused 0
i can never really concentrate on anything. im not sure what i want in life
free 0
fulfilled 0
i feel like there should be more to life

steve sagt:
Tearful Angel sagt:
i hafta stop for now. sorry