is an article from an Australian newspaper I sat next to an ugly parent the
other day and realised in an instant why they are
so named.
I say the other day
it was actually a few weeks ago and yet
the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, still
hasnt gone away.
The ugly parent in question
a woman was watching her daughter
play tennis. It was a local
tournament. Hardly anything to get worked
up over. The Australian Open, it was not.
And yet for a full hour,
she maintained the rage. She had nothing
NOTHING nice to say about her
daughter, who was being flogged, not for lack of
effort but because her opponent was clearly in
another league. A superior league.
Not much you can do about
that but practice.
And yet the womans
moaning was relentless. Look at her foot
work. How pathetic.
Shes not even
trying, she wailed. Thats three
double faults in a single game.
For goodness sake,
why is she standing in the tram line?
For goodness sake!
Why dont you just shut up and give
the girl a break. Obviously, that was
just a thought bubble.
Her moaning was more than I
could bear. It was time to put my
headphones on, turn up the volume, and hopefully
block her out. When that failed, I decided
it was time to relocate.
Moving was the easy
part. I couldnt get the poor girl out
of my head. Her mother didnt strike me as
the type to let up. I was
pretty sure there wasnt going to be a post
match pep talk, just a tongue lashing. I was
pretty sure the girl was in for a torrid
Like I said, the encounter
left me feeling sick in the pit of my stomach.
Here is one comment:
The bane of my
life is parents who live their lives through
their children like this woman
. she
obviously wanted to play tennis herself but
failed and is now taking it out on her child.
I see them all the time in ballet rehearsals,
gymnastics etc. Sad for the child and for the
other parents.